About The Van Technical Spec

Our van details

Box Van with rear door and tail lift

Interior - 2400mm X 1900mm(w) X 1900mm (h)

Tail Lift  - 1.2 meters depth X 2 meters wide (Not all playing area due to swing doors

Tech 1 - Sound/Lights

Tech 2 - Stage manager/driver/ Artist liaison/ H+S

Sound - 1 Desk + stereo left and right tops on stands + mic package as required

Lighting - Smart Batts X 3 +dressing (fairy lights or festoon and/or Freedom Sticks)

Our van travels with a sound and lighting technician, and a driver.

Health & Safety for the van is coordinated by Peter Jordan at Slua Event Safety Consultancy 

Festival in a Van is responsible for the safety of its vans, teams and performers. Hiree is responsible for audience coordination and management.